• Saturday, 29 June 2024

Survivor Decries Ignored Cries for Help in Deadly Mediterranean Shipwrecks

Gulan Media June 20, 2024 News
Survivor Decries Ignored Cries for Help in Deadly Mediterranean Shipwrecks

A survivor of a devastating shipwreck off the coast of Italy has condemned the inaction of several boats that ignored their desperate screams for help. The twin shipwrecks near Italy's Roccella Ionica and Lampedusa have resulted in at least 70 migrants dead and missing.

The majority of the passengers were Kurds from the Kurdistan Region and Iran's western Kurdish areas, alongside migrants from Bangladesh, Pakistan, Egypt, and Syria.

Roya Mohedini, a 19-year-old survivor from the shipwreck near Roccella Ionica, recounted the harrowing ordeal. "Two or three boats passed very close to us. We shouted and screamed for help, but they ignored us and passed by," Mohedini told Rudaw. "If it was not for the French boat that rescued us, none of us would be here."

The Italian coastguard reported that a French pleasure boat alerted authorities to a "half-sunken" vessel approximately 120 nautical miles off the Italian coast. The French vessel managed to rescue 12 survivors, one of whom died after disembarking.

Mohedini and other survivors are currently receiving medical treatment in Roccella Ionica. She highlighted the deceitful practices of the smugglers, stating, "The smugglers asked us to not take any food with us because everything was provided in the boat. We shared everything we had; there was nothing in the boat—no water, no food, nothing at all."
