• Sunday, 16 June 2024

President Barzani Meets with Chinese Consul General in Erbil

Gulan Media November 1, 2023 News
President Barzani Meets with Chinese Consul General in Erbil

ERBIL, November 1, 2023 - President Masoud Barzani held a significant meeting today with the Chinese Consul General in Erbil, Leo Jieyun, and his accompanying delegation. The meeting marked an important exchange of diplomatic gestures and reinforced the bilateral relations between the Kurdistan Region and China.

During the meeting, Consul General Jieyun commended the vital role played by President Barzani and the Kurdistan Democratic Party in the development of Kurdistan and Iraq. He also acknowledged the sacrifices made by the Kurdistan Democratic Party in the Kurdish liberation movement. Highlighting the historical ties between the late Mullah Mustafa Barzani and Chinese leaders, as well as the enduring connections between the Chinese Communist Party and the Kurdistan Democratic Party, Jieyun expressed hope for the continuous expansion of relations between China and the Kurdistan Region. This growth was anticipated to encompass various fields, including economics, culture, science, trade, and tourism.

In response, President Barzani wished the newly appointed Chinese Consul success in his role. He expressed his admiration for China's rich history and civilization, both as a nation and in its leadership. President Barzani acknowledged China's remarkable ability to overcome significant challenges and provide substantial contributions to humanity and the world. He also conveyed his enthusiasm for strengthening the bonds between the two sides.

Apart from discussions on their bilateral relationship, the two leaders also delved into the current global and regional security and political developments, underscoring the significance of international cooperation and communication.

This meeting demonstrates the ongoing efforts to bolster diplomatic relations and cooperation between the Kurdistan Region and China in various areas, reflecting the commitment of both parties to fostering peace, stability, and prosperity in the region and the world.
