• Friday, 21 June 2024

Prime Minister Masrour Barzani Announces Progress in Resolving Salary and Budget Issues

Prime Minister Masrour Barzani Announces Progress in Resolving Salary and Budget Issues

Erbil, Kurdistan Region of Iraq — Prime Minister Masrour Barzani has announced significant progress in resolving the longstanding salary and budget issues between the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) and the Federal Government of Iraq. Barzani highlighted that ongoing discussions with the Federal Government's Prime Minister have reached the final stage.

In a statement, Prime Minister Barzani expressed his gratitude to the employees of Kurdistan for their patience and resilience during this challenging period. "We have been in constant contact with the Prime Minister of the Federal Government to resolve the salaries and budget issues and have reached the final stage," Barzani said.

Barzani acknowledged the employees' steadfastness, noting that they withstood efforts by some to destabilize the region. "They resisted the conspiracy of some who aimed to weaken the structure of the Kurdistan Region by distributing the salaries and budget of the Kurdistan Region to the provinces," he stated.

The announcement marks a critical step forward in ensuring financial stability and fair distribution of resources within the Kurdistan Region. The resolution of these issues is expected to bolster the region's economic stability and improve the livelihoods of its public sector workers.
