• Saturday, 29 June 2024

Kurdish PM congratulates Greek PM on reelection, looks forward to strengthening ties

Gulan Media June 27, 2023 News
Kurdish PM congratulates Greek PM on reelection, looks forward to strengthening ties

Kurdish Regional Government (KRG) Prime Minister Masrour Barzani on Tuesday congratulated Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis on his reelection.

In a tweet, Barzani said he looked forward to strengthening the partnership between the two countries and their peoples.

"Congratulations Prime Minister @kmitsotakis on your reelection," Barzani wrote. "I look forward to strengthening our partnership and people-to-people ties. Our priorities are aligned: trade, investment and knowledge sharing."

Barzani and Mitsotakis met in Athens in June 2021, where they discussed ways to strengthen bilateral ties. The two countries have a long history of cooperation, dating back to the 19th century.

Mitsotakis's reelection is seen as a boost for the KRG, which has been seeking to expand its international relations. The KRG is a semi-autonomous region in Iraq that is home to about 5 million people.

In his tweet, Barzani said that the KRG and Greece share "aligned priorities" in terms of trade, investment, and knowledge sharing. These are all areas where the two countries could work together to mutual benefit.

The KRG is a major producer of oil and gas, and Greece is a major trading partner for the European Union. The two countries could also cooperate in the areas of tourism, education, and culture.

Barzani's congratulations to Mitsotakis is a sign of the strong ties between the KRG and Greece. The two countries are likely to continue to work together in the years to come.
