• Sunday, 30 June 2024

Local and Kurdish Products and Handicrafts Festival Kicks Off in Sulaymaniyah

Gulan Media June 29, 2024 News
Local and Kurdish Products and Handicrafts Festival Kicks Off in Sulaymaniyah

The Local and Kurdish Products and Handicrafts Festival began today in the city of Sulaymaniyah, aiming to showcase talents and create a market to promote their work.

The week-long festival, organized by the "Hallala" group, is being held at Azadi Park in Sulaymaniyah, with the participation of more than 80 artisans from various fields.

This festival, which includes participation from artisans with special needs, is one of many similar events launched annually in Sulaymaniyah to discover young talents and help turn their work into a source of income.

Festival supervisor, Chra Tahir, stated that the purpose of the event "is to market the participants' products and sell them, as well as create job opportunities for women who work online or cook at home and promote their products."
