• Tuesday, 30 July 2024

Al-Iraqiya withdraws from parliament session

Al-Iraqiya withdraws from parliament session
Shafaq News /

Al-Iraqiya list withdraw from today's session in protest against the non-inclusion of a law that considers Hawija events as “massacre”, parliamentary source said on Monday.

“The members of al- Iraqiya List, withdrew from today's session for not including a law that considers what happened in Hawija ass massacre against humanity on the parliament agenda,” the source told “Shafaq News”.

The Iraqi army forces raided last month Sit-in Square Hawijaof southern Kirkuk province (250 km north east of Baghdad), killing and wounding dozens, including soldiers.

The parliament has formed an investigative committee of the various parliamentary blocs on the background of storming the Iraqi army to sit -in Square of Hawija.

Presidency of public prosecution announced earlier on Monday, forming a judicial body to review Hawija events in Kirkuk province.

The storming operation left dozens killed and others wounded in the sit-in squares, especially in Anbar, the center of the protest in Iraq.

Anbar, Nineveh, Salahuddin, Diyala and Kirkuk provinces witness for more than 120 days, demonstrations and sit-ins against the federal government and Prime Minister , Nuri al-Maliki demanding to cancel the Justice and Accountability Law , Article 4 terrorism and release detainees .