• Monday, 29 July 2024

Kurdistan revives the day of dressing Kurdish fashion in its schools

Gulan Media March 10, 2013 News
Kurdistan revives the day of dressing Kurdish fashion in its schools
Pupils in Kurdistan region head to schools today while putting on brightly colored Kurdish uniforms in order to revive the day of Kurdish-fashion.

The day regard the reviving of the Kurdish fashion happened to be on Friday, March 8, which is an off day in Iraq; this is why the celebration has been switched to the first day of the week followed the off days (Friday and Saturday).

"Shafaq News" paid a visit to one of Erbil's schools and interviewed number of pupils there.

Arzo Ali a female-pupil told "Shafaq News" that she is so delightful for her dressing Kurdish uniforms, "it is a beautiful and special day for me", she said.

Banar another pupil said that "it is like an Eid for us, me and my collogues because we are wearing those pretty Kurdish clothes".

Kurdish uniforms –especially the ones concerning women- are characterized by their bright colors and the glossiness of their texture.

The female uniform consist of a long rob linked to extended sleeves called in Kurdish as "faqyana".

Shafaq News