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Kurdistan Region Prime Minister Affirms Commitment to Protect Women's Rights and Combat Gender-Based Violence

Gulan Media November 25, 2023 News
Kurdistan Region Prime Minister Affirms Commitment to Protect Women's Rights and Combat Gender-Based Violence

In a statement on Saturday, Kurdistan Region Prime Minister Masrour Barzani reiterated his government's steadfast commitment to safeguarding the rights of Kurdish women and combatting gender-based violence. The Prime Minister emphasized the Kurdistan Regional Government's (KRG) dedication to eliminating violence against women through women's empowerment initiatives and the rigorous implementation of existing laws.

Barzani outlined key measures to be taken by the government, including strengthening the role of courts, increasing arrests, and ensuring that perpetrators of gender-based violence are put on trial. These efforts align with the KRG's broader strategy to create an environment that actively works towards the prevention of violence against women.

The Prime Minister's statements were made in conjunction with the global commencement of 16 Days of Activism, an annual campaign undertaken by civil society organizations. This campaign, initiated on November 25 to coincide with the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, advocates for increased protection for women and the prevention of gender-based violence worldwide. The 16-day initiative will culminate on December 10, observed as Human Rights Day.

Prime Minister Barzani, along with senior KRG officials, participated in an event commemorating the anniversary of the UN Security Council Resolution on Women, Peace, and Security (SCR 1325), adopted in October 2000. During the event, Barzani emphasized that the true potential of Kurdish society would be realized when every woman in Kurdistan enjoys full rights.

The KRG's commitment to addressing gender-based violence reflects its dedication to creating a safer and more equitable environment for women in the region. As the 16 Days of Activism unfold, the government's actions signal a resolute stance against gender-based violence and a commitment to empowering women throughout Kurdistan.
