• Tuesday, 25 June 2024

President Barzani Receives Delegation from the Hamurabi Coalition, Emphasizes Support for Christian Communities in Kurdistan

Gulan Media October 30, 2023 News
President Barzani Receives Delegation from the Hamurabi Coalition, Emphasizes Support for Christian Communities in Kurdistan

In a meeting held at the Salahuddin Resort near Erbil, Kurdish leader Masoud Barzani welcomed a delegation from the Hamurabi Coalition. The delegation included the President and members of the leadership body of the coalition.

At the outset of the meeting, the President and members of the coalition expressed their gratitude to President Barzani for his significant role in directing efforts within the Kurdistan region to aid the victims of the tragic incident in Bahgdida (Hamdaniya). They also commended the charitable efforts of the Barzani Foundation in this regard and conveyed their deep condolences to the families of the martyrs. The Hamurabi Coalition delegation expressed their appreciation for President Barzani's support for the just cause of His Beatitude Cardinal Mar Louis Sako, the Patriarch of the Chaldean Church in Iraq and the world. They praised his unwavering stance against desperate attempts by some to manipulate the free will of Christians in Iraq. However, both the Church and the Christian community have vehemently opposed this project, and its success remains unattainable due to the efforts of benevolent individuals from our community and our homeland.

In another part of the meeting, representatives of the High Chaldean Political Council, elected under the umbrella of the coalition, discussed the conditions of Chaldeans, Assyrians, Syriacs, and Armenians in Iraq and Kurdistan, particularly in the Nineveh Plains.

The general political situation in Iraq and the Kurdistan Region, as well as the deepening of principles of partnership, harmony, balance, and national, religious, and political coexistence among the Kurdish components, were also topics of discussion during the meeting. President Barzani reiterated his support for Christians and all Kurdish components, emphasizing the importance of keeping Christians in their ancestral homeland and preventing their emigration. He stressed the significance of their continued presence in the land that represents this people and their rich history.

At the end of the meeting, the visiting delegation expressed their gratitude to President Barzani for his open-heartedness and continuous support, presenting him with a gift commemorating the visit of His Holiness Pope Francis to Iraq and the Kurdistan Region.
