• Friday, 28 June 2024

Final Exams Commence for 12th Grade Students in Kurdistan Region Amid Strict Security Measures

Gulan Media June 23, 2024 News
Final Exams Commence for 12th Grade Students in Kurdistan Region Amid Strict Security Measures

This Sunday marked the beginning of the final exams for 12th grade students across the Kurdistan Region, with thousands participating in Erbil and Sulaymaniyah provinces.

In Erbil, Governor Omed Khoshnaw assured that comprehensive arrangements had been made to ensure the smooth conduct of exams. This included provisions for electricity, air conditioning, and drinking water in the 681 exam halls where 39,539 students are taking their exams.

Similarly, in Sulaymaniyah, the Director of Education, Dilshad Omar, confirmed that over 27,000 students from various branches including scientific, literary, and vocational, are sitting for their exams across 423 halls. The logistics involved 26 sets of exam papers and the deployment of 3,907 supervisors, teachers, and monitors to oversee proceedings.

To maintain exam integrity, stringent measures have been implemented. Coordination with Interior Forces has led to the deployment of special police units at exam centers to prevent any disturbances. Article 83 of the Ministry of Education Law has been emphasized, stipulating severe penalties including up to six years in prison for those involved in exam cheating, whether students or staff.

Omar emphasized that students caught cheating will face immediate failure in their exams, with further penalties if found using prohibited devices like Bluetooth. Such cases will be referred to the judicial system for appropriate action.

With these measures in place, education officials expressed confidence that the exams will proceed smoothly, ensuring fairness and integrity in the evaluation process for graduating students across the Kurdistan Region.
