• Monday, 22 July 2024

Kurdistan President Reaffirms Support for UNITAD Mission in Iraq

Kurdistan President Reaffirms Support for UNITAD Mission in Iraq
ERBIL - Kurdistan Region President Nechirvan Barzani has reaffirmed his support to UNITAD's mission in Iraq, noting that holding the Islamic State (IS) accountable for their crimes against humanity is a priority for the autonomous region as well.

Barzani received a phone call on Monday from the United Nations Special Advisor Karim Khan, who heads the UN Investigative Team to Promote Accountability for Crimes Committed by the Islamic State.

"Mr. Khan updated President Barzani on UNITAD’s continued efforts to bring justice to the victims of ISIS atrocities in Iraq, despite security challenges and the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic," a statement by Barzani's office said.

The Kurdish president further argued that "all those involved in crimes commited against the people of the Kurdistan Region and Iraq, including crimes committed against Yezidis, Christians and other religious communities, must face justice."

He also reiterated that the Kurdistan Region would cooperate with the Council of Representative of Iraq and other relevant authorities in Baghdad and elsewhere to advance UNITAD’s mission.

"Mr. Khan thanked President Barzani and the Kurdistan Regional Government for their cooperation and coordination with the UNITAD and said he looks forward to continue working with the Kurdistan Region to advance UNITAD’s mission in Iraq," the statement concluded.
