• Monday, 22 July 2024

US Commends KRG's Response to COVID-19 Pandemic

US Commends KRG's Response to COVID-19 Pandemic
ERBIL - Kurdistan Region PM Masrour Barzani on Thursday received US Consul General Steven Fagin in Erbil where he commended the Kurdistan Regional Government's (KRG) response to the coronavirus pandemic.

The pair exchanged views on a variety of issues pertaining to the latest political and security affairs in Iraq and the Kurdistan Region, According to a statement by Barzani's office.

"The Prime Minister spoke about the current financial situation and recent measures to reduce public expenditures and increase revenues," the statement. "He emphasised his commitment to a constructive partnership between Erbil and Baghdad, based on each party’s rights and duties in the Constitution, including a fair distribution of revenues. He added that KRG will continue the dialogue with the federal government."

The two leaders agreed on working closely to attract US investments in the region with PM Barzani calling for increased US support, "including the unlocking of international financial assistance to Iraq and Kurdistan."