• Wednesday, 26 June 2024

Prime Minister Masrour Barzani Addresses Graduates at American University of Kurdistan Ceremony

Prime Minister Masrour Barzani Addresses Graduates at American University of Kurdistan Ceremony

Kurdistan Region Prime Minister Masrour Barzani delivered a keynote speech at the sixth graduation ceremony of the American University of Kurdistan (AUK) in Duhok, attended by Iraqi President Latif Rashid and Kurdistan Region President Nechirvan Barzani, alongside other high-ranking officials from Baghdad and Erbil.

As the Founder and Chairman of the Board of Trustees of AUK, Prime Minister Barzani emphasized the university's pivotal role in linking the Kurdish people to the global community through education. "Over the years, this institution has become the cornerstone of our vision of Kurdistan as a scientific nation," he declared. "It has been a place that connects our people to the world through learning and education while developing and continuing to develop expertise at home. We not only want you to succeed, but we want you to become the best individuals you can be to play a role in our future prosperity."

Highlighting the significant impact of AUK graduates, Barzani noted their contributions to the Kurdish government and their success in various critical sectors, both locally and internationally. He stressed the importance of integrating Kurdistan's economy with global and regional markets, pointing out that many AUK graduates are establishing their own identities and positions in these efforts.

Barzani underscored AUK's commitment to diversity and inclusivity, mentioning that 72 percent of students benefit from various types of scholarships. "I believe that access to education can change lives. We are committed to providing opportunities for all, regardless of their backgrounds. Our ongoing pursuit of U.S. accreditation underscores our commitment to quality assurance and continuous improvement," he affirmed.

The Prime Minister called on academic institutions to intensify their efforts in preparing graduates for the job market, emphasizing the need to adapt to evolving workforce demands and opportunities. He also addressed the challenges posed by artificial intelligence (AI).

"While none of us know where artificial intelligence will lead us in the coming years, we all understand its impact thus far," he cautioned. "The information and applications available today far surpass what humanity has achieved and created in the past. While AI programs make our daily lives easier with task management, scheduling, and communication, they also inhibit our genuine expression and communication skills."

Barzani urged support for all Kurds, especially the elderly, in adapting to new technology, particularly digital banking systems that can revolutionize financial management and transfers. "I urge students to take the time to educate their family members as they have learned here. We are all on this journey together, and no one should be left behind," he emphasized.

Concluding his speech, Barzani called on the graduates to use their education for positive change, innovation, and leadership with loyalty and integrity. "The future of our country and the fate of our planet will rest in the hands of your generation. This may be a weighty responsibility, and it is. But I encourage all of you to always be prepared for challenges and to make a difference," he urged.
