• Wednesday, 26 June 2024

Iraqi Deputy Speaker Criticizes Federal Supreme Court's Overreach, Threatens Kurdish Withdrawal

Gulan Media March 15, 2024 News
Iraqi Deputy Speaker Criticizes Federal Supreme Court's Overreach, Threatens Kurdish Withdrawal

Shakhawan Abdulla, Deputy Speaker of the Iraqi Council of Representatives, has launched a scathing critique against the Federal Supreme Court, accusing it of overstepping its bounds and infringing upon the legislative prerogatives of the parliament.

Speaking to Kurdistan 24, Abdulla condemned the Court's actions as unconstitutional, alleging that it has delved into areas beyond its jurisdiction. He particularly denounced the Court's decisions concerning the Kurdistan Region, labeling them as unjust and violative of constitutional rights.

Abdulla highlighted the Court's interference in financial matters, citing its reduction of the allocated budget for salaries of Kurdistan Region civil servants. Despite the Parliament's decision to assign a monthly budget of 775 billion dinars, the Court intervened, lowering the amount, which Abdulla argued falls outside the Court's purview.

In discussions with Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia’ al-Sudani, Abdulla clarified that the demands presented by the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) faction reflect the interests of the Region's residents. He emphasized ongoing negotiations to resolve the salary payment issue, asserting that PM Sudani's agreement could ensure timely payments to regional government employees.

Expressing dissatisfaction with Baghdad's budget disbursement, Abdulla noted that only 59% of the allocated amount for salaries has been received. He reiterated the commitment of both the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) and the KDP to safeguard the constitutional rights of the Region's populace.

Abdulla warned against potential violations of Kurdish rights and asserted readiness to consider Kurdish withdrawal as a recourse if necessary. He underscored the importance of defending the Region’s stability amid tensions with Baghdad.

Abdulla's criticism of the Federal Supreme Court's overreach highlights growing tensions between Baghdad and the Kurdistan Region, with the threat of Kurdish withdrawal looming as a potential consequence of perceived constitutional infringements.
