• Monday, 22 July 2024

Private Sector Thrives in Dohuk Province Under Kurdistan Region's Ninth Government

Gulan Media November 18, 2023 News
Private Sector Thrives in Dohuk Province Under Kurdistan Region's Ninth Government

In recent years, the private sector in Dohuk province has experienced substantial growth, marking a positive trend coinciding with the initiation of the Kurdistan Region's ninth governmental formation. This development is part of a deliberate effort by the regional government to bolster economic infrastructure and foster job creation.

The Cabinet of the ninth government, acknowledging the vital role of the private sector, has approved 64 projects in Dohuk province. These initiatives have collectively given rise to an impressive 100,000 job opportunities, signaling a significant step towards economic diversification and sustainability.

Haval Sadiq, the Director General of Investment in Dohuk, highlighted the government's commitment to the private sector. "At the beginning of the ninth government, there was a clear emphasis on the importance of nurturing the private sector to build a robust economy in the Kurdistan Region through investment projects spanning various industries, including agriculture and tourism," stated Sadiq.

Data from the General Directorate of Investment in Dohuk reveals the presence of 276 ongoing investment projects across diverse fields, amounting to a substantial six billion dollars in value. These projects have not only injected dynamism into the local economy but have also directly created 20,000 job opportunities and an additional 100,000 indirect job opportunities.

One standout project contributing to this economic upswing is the Dohuk Station, a private sector endeavor that has become a beacon of employment for the region's youth. Shadan Jameel, the supervisor of the Dohuk Station, shared insights, stating, "So far, approximately 1000 job opportunities have been provided for the youth at the station. Upon the completion of all phases of the station, it is anticipated to create job opportunities for 2000 young individuals."

As the private sector continues to play a pivotal role in the economic landscape of Dohuk province, these initiatives underscore the Kurdistan Region's commitment to fostering a robust and diversified economy, providing sustainable employment opportunities for its residents. The positive trajectory in Dohuk serves as a testament to the region's dedication to economic development and prosperity.
