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Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan Visits Kurdistan Region and Iraq, Discusses Key Issues

Gulan Media August 24, 2023 News
Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan Visits Kurdistan Region and Iraq, Discusses Key Issues

Fidan's First Visit to Iraq and Kurdistan Region as Foreign Minister Includes Talks on Oil Exports, Water Supplies, and PKK Presence

Erbil, Kurdistan Region, August 24, 2023 – Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan embarked on a significant diplomatic mission with his first visit to Iraq and the Kurdistan Region since assuming office. His trip aimed to address critical issues and strengthen ties between Turkey, Iraq, and the Kurdistan Region.

Fidan arrived in the Kurdistan Region's capital, Erbil, on Thursday, where he was warmly received by officials, including Interior Minister Reber Ahmed, Erbil Governor Omed Khoshnaw, and Head of Foreign Relations Office Safin Dizayee. The visit followed his earlier stop in Baghdad, where he engaged in talks with high-ranking Iraqi officials, including Prime Minister Mohammed Shia’ al-Sudani, Foreign Minister Fuad Hussein, and President Abdul Latif Rashid.

A pivotal meeting occurred between Fidan and Kurdistan Region President Nechirvan Barzani, focusing on a range of topics, including the resumption of oil exports through the Iraq-Turkey pipeline. This vital export had been halted since March 23 due to a Paris arbitration court ruling that favored Baghdad over Ankara, citing a breach of a 1973 pipeline agreement. The parties involved have expressed their readiness to restart oil exports, with Turkey's primary concern being the inspection and rehabilitation of pipelines damaged during a February earthquake.

Additionally, discussions encompassed issues related to water supplies and the presence of the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) in the Kurdistan Region's border areas with Turkey. The PKK, classified as a terrorist organization by Ankara, has engaged in a prolonged armed insurgency against Turkey. Turkey accuses the group of infiltrating Iraqi cities and posing a security threat. Simultaneously, Iraq has accused Turkey of violating its sovereignty by maintaining an "illegal" presence in the Kurdistan Region under the pretext of combating the PKK.

In a joint press conference with Foreign Minister Hussein, Fidan urged Baghdad to officially recognize the PKK as a terrorist organization. He stressed that the PKK's presence in Iraqi cities jeopardizes security and stability and emphasized that both Turkey and Iraq must unite against this "common enemy."

President Nechirvan Barzani also expressed his optimism about the visit, tweeting, "I’m pleased to receive @HakanFidan, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Türkiye today in Erbil. We held productive talks on further improving strong ties between the Kurdistan Region and Iraq with Türkiye."

The visit by Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan underscores the importance of diplomacy and cooperation in resolving regional issues and fostering stronger relations between neighboring nations. The discussions held during this visit are expected to contribute to the stabilization and prosperity of the Kurdistan Region and Iraq while addressing shared concerns.
