• Wednesday, 26 June 2024

Kurdistan Region's National Wheat Marketing Project Enhances Agricultural Sector

Gulan Media August 20, 2023 News
Kurdistan Region's National Wheat Marketing Project Enhances Agricultural Sector

The National Wheat Marketing Project in Sulaymaniyah Governorate stands as a significant strategic initiative undertaken by the Kurdistan Region's ninth government over the past four years. This endeavor is part of ongoing efforts to bolster infrastructure across various sectors while boosting the economic and service landscape for the region's residents.

In an exclusive statement to the Department of Media and Information, Zaher Zana, the project director, provided insight into the National Wheat Marketing Project's scope and impact. The project comprises 30 warehouses and five food production facilities, with a total investment of $128 million. Its implementation occurs in several phases, with the initial phase involving the construction of 12 warehouses alongside a flour production plant.

The project's storage capacity reaches 150,000 tons of wheat, with the first phase already equipped to receive 60,000 tons of wheat and produce a daily output of 1,000 tons of flour.

The project, known locally as "the silo," commenced operations on August 13th of this year. It currently handles an impressive daily volume of 40 wheat-laden trucks. This development has not only generated employment opportunities for numerous local workers but has also streamlined and expedited the marketing of vital agricultural produce. This, in turn, serves as a compelling incentive for farmers to enhance and expand their agricultural output.

The National Wheat Marketing Project in Sulaymaniyah Governorate represents a significant step towards strengthening the agricultural sector in the Kurdistan Region. As it continues to progress through its phases, the project is poised to make a lasting and positive impact on local farmers, the economy, and the overall well-being of the region's inhabitants.
