• Wednesday, 26 June 2024

Kurdistan Region Imposes Language Requirement for Business Places to Promote Kurdish Identity

Gulan Media July 19, 2023 News
Kurdistan Region Imposes Language Requirement for Business Places to Promote Kurdish Identity

Erbil, Kurdistan Region - In a move aimed at preserving and promoting the Kurdish language and identity, the Kurdistan Region Ministry of Municipalities and Tourism has introduced a language requirement that mandates all business places to prominently display their main language in Kurdish.

Minister of Municipalities and Tourism, Sasan Auni, issued an official letter to various departments, emphasizing the importance of complying with the Prime Minister's decision No. 605 on 21/3/2023 and taking the necessary legal measures. This initiative is based on the Official Languages Law in the Kurdistan Region/Iraq No. 6 of 2014.

The directive encompasses all governmental and non-governmental institutions, hotels, tourist attractions, and restaurants, making it compulsory for them to have signage, food lists, guides, and instructions in the Kurdish language.

The Ministry of Municipalities and Tourism has demonstrated its commitment to enforcing the language requirement by taking swift legal action against businesses that failed to comply. Over 600 establishments faced scrutiny in recent months for non-compliance. While some businesses were given a grace period to translate their signage, approximately 130 establishments encountered legal consequences for not adhering to the mandate.

Minister Sasan Auni stressed that this measure is essential to preserve the rich Kurdish cultural heritage and language, which is an integral part of the region's identity. By mandating the use of Kurdish in business places, the Kurdistan Regional Government aims to strengthen and promote the language's usage in various spheres of daily life.

The process of implementing the language mandate is ongoing, and various municipalities in the Kurdistan Region are actively involved in ensuring its widespread adherence. This includes tourist establishments, which are significant contributors to the region's economy and cultural exchange.

The move has been met with mixed reactions, with proponents lauding it as a step toward preserving Kurdish cultural identity, while some critics express concerns about potential challenges faced by businesses in adapting to the new requirement. Nevertheless, the Ministry of Municipalities and Tourism remains steadfast in its commitment to this language initiative, viewing it as a crucial step towards safeguarding and celebrating the linguistic heritage of the Kurdistan Region.
