• Wednesday, 26 June 2024

European Union's Borrell commended Iraq's contribution in the region's affairs

Gulan Media March 19, 2023 News
European Union's Borrell commended Iraq's contribution in the region's affairs

The European Union's foreign policy chief, Josep Borrell, praised Iraq for its role in improving regional relations, specifically referring to the recent deal between Iran and Saudi Arabia to restore diplomatic ties brokered by China.

Borrell commended Iraq's efforts in facilitating talks between Tehran and Riyadh and called the country a "good neighborhood relation maker."

Borrell made these comments during a press briefing in Brussels with Iraqi Foreign Minister Fuad Hussein, who was visiting the EU to discuss bilateral relations, particularly in the areas of trade, economic ties, migration, and gas exports.

Hussein also thanked the EU for its assistance in Iraq's fight against ISIS and post-war reconstruction efforts. Borrell emphasized the importance of strong EU-Iraq ties, stating that the EU is Iraq's most important partner, and this justifies the need for robust relations.
