• Friday, 31 January 2025

ISIS launches attack on Kifri district

Gulan Media September 1, 2021 News
ISIS launches attack on Kifri district

Members of ISIS launched a mortar attack on Al-Islah village in Kifri district, injuring 4 people.

The leader of the Peshmerga forces, Mahmoud Sangawi, told Rudaw Media Network, on Wednesday, that "ISIS militants launched, last night, an attack on the Iraqi army forces and Al-Islah village of Kifri district with mortar shells," adding that "the attack caused one injury; two members of the Iraqi army and two women from the village.”

Sangawi said that "during the attack, two hummers belonging to the Iraqi army tried to rescue the combat forces, but they fell into an ambush set by the organization's elements on the road, where they smashed the wheels with RPGs."

Al-Islah village belongs to Kifri District of Diyala Governorate, and the majority of its residents are Arabs, Shiites, and Sunnis.

Despite the restoration of the area from the hands of the militants of the organization, there are still movements of the militants of the organization in it, especially in the Arab villages south of the Garmian administration.

Iraq declared victory over ISIS in 2017, by reclaiming all of its territory from it.

Recently, the frequency of attacks by suspected militants of the organization increased, especially in the area between Kirkuk, Salah al-Din and Diyala, known as the "triangle of death".

ISIS still maintains sleeper cells scattered throughout the country, and has gradually begun to return to its old method of launching lightning attacks in the manner of guerrilla warfare that it used to follow before 2014, taking advantage of the security gaps in the areas against which it is launching its attacks.
