• Wednesday, 26 June 2024

President Barzani receives the Indian ambassador to Iraq

President Barzani receives the Indian ambassador to Iraq

President Masoud Barzani received, on Tuesday, in Salah al-Din, the Indian Ambassador to Iraq, Shri Birender Singh Yadav.

During the meeting, which was attended by Subhash C. Kain, the Indian consul in Erbil, the Indian ambassador to Iraq expressed his appreciation for the struggle and the role of President Barzani in the history of the people of Kurdistan and Iraq. He also praised the role of his excellency and the Kurdistan Peshmerga forces in confronting terrorists and defeating ISIS.

At the same meeting, the two sides stressed that confronting terrorism needs the efforts of the various international parties. They also discussed the relations between the region and Baghdad, the upcoming elections, and the challenges facing the political process in Iraq.

As for the relations between the Kurdistan Region and India, they were the focus of the meeting in which the two sides expressed their hope to expand them in various fields.

It is reported that the Indian ambassador to Iraq had visited President Barzani on the occasion of the end of his official duties in Iraq, and that President Barzani, in addition to expressing thanks, wished success to the Indian ambassador.
