• Wednesday, 17 July 2024

President Barzani’s message on the occasion of the forty-fifth anniversary of the Gulan Revolution

President Barzani’s message on the occasion of the forty-fifth anniversary of the Gulan Revolution

Erbil-President Masoud Barzani has issued a statement on the occasion of the forty-fifth anniversary of the Gulan Revolution on Wednesday. Here is the statement:

In the name of God the Merciful

The Gulan Revolution was a rich experience of steadfastness, reorganization, and recovery of the people of Kurdistan. In the aftermath of the genocide and displacement, and under various pressures from the enemies of the Kurdistan people, it was possible to set off the Gulan Revolution according to a firm program and with solid confidence.

The Gulan Revolution was also the message that was addressed to all the haters and the enemies of the people of Kurdistan that in spite of the existence of plots, threats, the strength of the enemies, and the various obstacles, the people of Kurdistan have the will to face and confront the oppression and injustice, and would be able to transfer their struggle to its true arena, which is the holy land of Kurdistan.

The Gulan Revolution was the bearer of the message and goals of the September Revolution and an extension of all previous Kurdish revolutions, and proved to all opponents that the will of the Kurdish liberation and revolution will never be broken.

The Gulan Revolution began on May 26, 1976, with the first Peshmerga operation in Haji Omaran, and Saeed Abdullah was the first martyr to launch the Gulan Revolution.

On the forty-fifth anniversary of the Gulan Revolution, we commemorate all the martyrs of the Gulan Revolution and the martyrs of the Kurds and Kurdistan. We also emphasize that the freedoms and achievements of the people of Kurdistan have come under the shadow of the blood and sacrifices of our martyrs. I also express my appreciation and gratitude for the struggle and efforts of the heroic militants who have become the pride of their people because of their sacrifices and their performance of the honorable roles in the Peshmerga struggle, in party work, and the secret struggle inside cities and in exile.

Massoud Barzani
May 26, 2021
