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US Congressional delegation commends Peshmerga Forces

Gulan Media June 30, 2015 News
US Congressional delegation commends Peshmerga Forces
Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq (cabinet.gov.krd) - Kurdistan Region Prime Minister, Nechirvan Barzani, yesterday received a United States congressional delegation, led by Congressman Rob Wittman.

In the meeting, which was also attended by Kurdistan Region Deputy Prime Minister, Qubad Talabani, Mr. Wittman commended the Kurdistan Region Peshmerga Forces for having been able to repulse the attacks of the Islamic State terrorist organisation, ISIS, as well as their ability and commitment, which he said he observed in the training centres that the delegation has visited.

The issues between the Kurdistan Regional Government, KRG, and Iraq’s Federal Government were discussed in the meeting, highlighting Baghdad’s refusal to honour its agreement with the Region.

The financial burden, which represents the hosting of over 1.7 million refugees and internally displaced people, IDPs, who fled ISIS repression and took refuge in Kurdistan, was also discussed in the meeting.

Prime Minister Barzani expressed the gratitude of the government and people of Kurdistan Region to President Barak Obama, his administration, the congress, the people and the military forces of the United States that have played a significant role in protecting Kurdistan people from the terrorist threats by providing Kurdistan Region with humanitarian and military assistance.

He expressed his hope that this assistance, particularly in the military fields, will continue.

Prime Minister Barzani also urged the delegation to play a role in solving the issues between the Kurdistan Region and Iraq’s Federal Government that could lead Baghdad to honour the agreement, reached last December between the two sides, on oil export and budgetary issues.