• Tuesday, 30 July 2024

President Barzani Receives French Ambassador to Iraq and Meets with Japan's Ambassador to Iraq

Gulan Media June 11, 2013 News
President Barzani Receives French Ambassador to Iraq and Meets with Japan's Ambassador to Iraq
President of Kurdistan-Region Masoud Barzani met with French Ambassador to Iraq Donny Koikh.

At the meeting, the Ambassador Koikh said he was pleased to meet with President Barzani and it was a pleasant experience to visit Kurdistan.

For his part, President Barzani welcomed the delegation and highlighted the positive impact of meetings with officials from Baghdad.

On the current crisis in Syria, Mr Barzani stressed blame on the International Community and the European Union for not helping or providing aid to the refugees

However, the president welcomed Ambassador Masato Takaoka, Japan's ambassador to Iraq in his offices in Salahadin today.

During the meeting, President Barzani and ambassador Takaoka discussed the political situation in the Kurdistan Region and Iraq and the latest developments in the area. The President expressed his optimism about the situation in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq.

On his part, the ambassador stated that Japan will continue to remain supportive of the democratic process in Iraq and was happy with the improving relations between Baghdad and the Kurdistan Region.