• Tuesday, 30 July 2024

Prime Minister Barzani's speech at AUIS commencement ceremony

Gulan Media June 11, 2013 News
Prime Minister Barzani's speech at AUIS commencement ceremony
Slemani, 30 May 2013 ,Speech by KRG Prime Minister Nechirvan Barzani at the American University of Iraq Sulaimani (AUIS) commencement ceremony

Distinguished guests, students, teachers, families of the students, welcome,

Students are the hope of the future and form the pillar of society, which is why I am very pleased to be with you today in order to participate in this joyful occasion. I warmly congratulate each and every one of you; students, lecturers and the families of the students. I would also like to thank the efforts and hard work of the faculty of this university. I would like to congratulate the Presidency of the American University in Slemani as well as the Board of Directors of the University.

The Kurdistan Regional Government, as it has in the past, is ready to further assist the American University in Slemani. We highly value this university’s services and its commitment to providing higher education.

Today I feel extremely happy as I stand before you. Please let me tell you why.

Because we have gone from living under difficult circumstances to where we are today, witnessing our development. Many students under the Ba’ath regime were arrested and executed simply for being Kurdish. In 1974 the University of Slemani in Qaladiza came under air strikes, whilst in 1991 the lecturers who had to work under difficult circumstances with minimal income carried on teaching.

However, today we are in a much better position because there are good universities in Kurdistan, one of which is undoubtedly the American University in Slemani. This is a source of pride for our country.

Today as the Prime Minister of the Kurdistan Region, I am very pleased to see you on such a happy occasion. This is thanks to those who gave up their lives, the efforts and dedication of our people, the strong will of our nation and the will of our governments, as well as the backing of our allies.

Distinguished guests,

Every country is in need of education and further learning in order to develop. None of the countries with rich natural resources can progress without education. Therefore nothing is more important than developing education and learning in order for our nation to progress. Consequently developing the capabilities of our youth is essential in order for us to progress.

I am very proud of the young people who are graduating today. We have high hopes for all of you and I can see the hope in your eyes. Our duty in the Kurdistan Regional Government is to offer a high standard of living, create job opportunities and offer further education opportunities abroad for you.

Here, I would like to ask the foreign and local companies to gain and benefit from the expertise and knowledge of those who are graduating from the American University of Slemani.

Distinguished guests,

I believe that the Kurdistan Regional Government has accomplished major steps in many sectors, but we have given the most attention to education, studying and learning. This is why we see a decrease in the level of illiteracy in our society. Even though in this sector there still remain obstacles and shortcomings, I am confident that we are on the right path.

We will continue in the process of further developing the universities in Kurdistan, and at the same time we will continue the Human Capacity Development Program and seek to learn and get educated wherever it may be in the world.

These are the days of revolutions which are known as ‘soft power’. Today there are rapid changes in every aspect of life, particularly in education. We want to be part of these changes and not be outside the circle. For this reason, apart from those duties that the government has on its shoulders, society and teachers have to be ready and aware of these advancements.

The Mesopotamia which included our Kurdistan had an important role in developing civilisation. Today, there is an opportunity for Kurds living under the freedom and development that we enjoy in the Kurdistan Region to once again participate in the circle of international development. The American University in Slemani and other universities in Kurdistan can play their role in these developments.

The Kurdistan Regional Government and democratic political parties are continually working, just like you students, to obtain good grades in practising the principles of democracy, as well as in the process of further developing the economy and education and working towards social equality.

Distinguished guests,

I am confident that in the past few years of your studies at this university you have learned that peace is the best choice for development, coexistence and dialogue. I hope that you use your power and knowledge for the progress of the Kurdistan Region and its policies. A Kurdistan that wants to solve the issues in a peaceful way and through dialogue. Today the Kurdistan Region is not a threat to any one or any country but instead it is a symbol of peace and prosperity in the whole region. For example, the Kurdistan Region has played an important role in facilitating the peace in Iraq and in the region.

I would like to say that this visible achievement, which is the American University in Slemani, is thanks to the efforts and dedication of Dr Barham Salih. I would like to say that his commitment helped in ensuring the success of this university. And without his personal follow up on this project, it would have been difficult to see this great day in Slemani and to commemorate this occasion. Personally and on behalf of the KRG, I would like to thank my dear friend Dr. Barham. Apart from thanking the institutions and ministries that had a role to play, I would also like to thank Mam Jalal and I hope that he returns home healthy very soon. I would like to ask thank the KRG Minister of Natural Resources for the role he has played in helping this university.

I would also like to thank the American Government for its continuous support, starting during Ryan Crocker’s time as the US Ambassador to Iraq when he worked tirelessly to support the success of this project. I would like to thank the Italian government for supporting this university. I would also like to thank the private sector and investors for their support in establishing this university.

Distinguished guests,

As you know we have a lot of problems with Baghdad which until now have not been resolved and are still ongoing. After our last visit to Baghdad we discussed these issues with the Prime Minister of Iraq Mr Nouri Al-Maliki as well as with other relevant political parties and blocs, coming up with an agreement suitable to both sides. During the visit, we told them that this time the agreements need to lead to resolution of the outstanding disputes. We hope the demands of the Kurdish people will be taken into consideration in adherence with Iraq’s constitution.

We are working under the framework of the country’s constitution, to attain our rights and freedom that have been enshrined within the constitution. We view these issues as our rights: the implementation of Article 140, the passage of a budget in a federal manner, the budget of our Peshmerga force, the hydrocarbons law, and to obtain the rights of the Kurdistan Region over natural resources as a whole. As stated in Iraq’s constitution, we should not shy away from asking for a fair distribution of the budget as well as for the rights of the companies operating in the Kurdistan Region, while regrettably some sides want the Kurdish people to back down from asking for those rights.

Until now all our issues with Baghdad and with other countries have been discussed in accordance with Iraq’s constitution, therefore we will adhere to all those agreements which we signed during the talks.

In Iraq the concepts of democracy and coexistence have to be strengthened. We should not allow old prejudices to return again. The system of one-man or tyrannical rule is unacceptable under any circumstances because it only succeeds in taking us backwards. The Iraqi people are aware of this reality because of their experience of living under one-party rule for over 30 years.

We see ourselves as an important part of Iraq; therefore they have to treat us equally and as partners, because the old days of sidelining minorities are gone.

We are looking for solutions, we will never surrender our rights, and we will not surrender the achievements that we have made. We will not give way to anyone or any party that wants to once again put the Kurdistan Region under its control, because the system of governance in Iraq is federal and the Kurdish people voted in favour of this constitution that has enshrined federalism as the foundation of the new Iraq.

Even though we have political differences on some issues with some political parties in the Kurdistan Region, I assure you that we will remain united to protect our region, in order to further develop our region in every way possible. I urge all the political parties to put political differences aside I urge all parties in the Kurdistan Region not to turn our political differences into problems within society.

Dear students,

Once again I warmly congratulate you and I value the commitment shown by yourselves, your teachers and your families. Now is the time to enjoy yourselves with members of your family and friends, now is the time to celebrate. Now is the time for you to express your happiness and I hope that you future will be successful.

Now is the time to learn more and to progress further. Your fingerprints have to be seen in the next stage of the country’s development. You have to be strong, smart, brave and believe in yourselves. We all see your capabilities in the future of Kurdistan.

Once again I would like to congratulate you on your achievement and I wish you every success.