Kurdistan helps 300 Syrian families per day
The supervisor of the Kurdsat satellite campaign in Erbil, Lewza Jalal told "Shafaq News", that "the people of Erbil gave many varied humanitarian aid to displaced people and Kurds Syrians refugees through a national campaign to collect aid and donations for displaced Kurds Syrians in all the cities of the province."
He stressed that "the campaign, which began through some artistic and cultural programs continued since six days ago and will continue until next Thursday."
"The people of Erbil received the campaign significantly and gave many aid materials to the displaced people," noting that "what we've seen in Erbil and other cities is evidence of the unity of the Kurdish people and the cooperation of citizens with their brothers “.
Kurdistan Regional Government has confirmed, on Tuesday that about 70 thousand Syrian refugees arrived to the region since the start of the crisis and they need basic services, while noted receiving 500 refugees per day and called donor countries and international organizations to provide urgent aid to relief them.
Meanwhile assistant head of foreign relations of Kurdistan Regional Government, Dindar Zebari held on Tuesday in Erbil, a meeting with representatives of foreign organizations operating in the region, and discussed with them the demand of the regional government to provide urgent assistance to the displaced Syrians in Kurdistan.