Peshmerga‘s delegation holds meeting with Iraqi military delegation in Baghdad
Peshmerga's delegation arrived Sunday, January 13, to Baghdad . The two delegations had met earlier this month, in Erbil to discuss the mechanism of the deployment and the presence of the security force in the disputed areas, as the first meeting was held in Baghdad last week and resulted in a principle agreement to resolve the crisis rose in those areas .
The Ministry of Peshmerga in the Kurdistan Regional Government KRG announced earlier that its delegation to Baghdad is carrying a worksheet of nine points.
Jabbar Yawar, the secretary-general of the Ministry of Peshmerga said in a press conference: "The Province believes in dialogue and peaceful solutions to solve the problems and differences between Baghdad and Erbil on the disputed areas.
The Ministry of Peshmerga in the region pointed that there are some main and important points of differences between its delegation’s negotiating note and the military delegation from Baghdad note about the crisis in the disputed areas.