• Sunday, 12 January 2025

Officials Brace for New Video Attacking Islam

Gulan Media December 11, 2012 News
Officials Brace for New Video Attacking Islam
European officials and coalition forces are preparing for violence in anticipation of the release of a new anti-Islam video in the vein of Innocence of Muslims called The Innocent Prophet: Life of Muhammad from the Point of View of an Ex-Muslim.

Australia's News Network reports that Aussie troops are girding themselves for protests in Afghanistan, and RTreports that Belgian officials have raised the country's terror alert level ahead of the video's debut on YouTube. Called The Innocent Prophet: Life of Muhammad from the Point of View of an Ex-Muslim, the video is due out on Friday.

Both reports are short on details, but The Innocent Prophet was apparently made by a former Muslim from Pakistan named Imran Firasat, who now lives in Spain, in collaboration with Koran-burning pastor Terry Jones. "We must go deep into the life of Muhammad to find out whether he was a genuine prophet sent by God or was he simply a child molester, assassin and a self-proclaimed prophet," said Firasat in the video's trailer. He has also said he's open to editing the video and postponing its release in deference to Belgium's heightened terror alert, noting that Europe "is my family."