• Wednesday, 26 June 2024

Dutch Ambassador visits KRG Foreign Affairs Department

Gulan Media February 15, 2012 News
Dutch Ambassador visits KRG Foreign Affairs Department
Dutch Ambassador to Baghdad Gurion Rodnberk , visited on Tuesday , the Department of the Foreign Affairs in Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) , and he was received by Minister Falah Mustafa .

Mustafa at the meeting , briefed the Ambassador on the Kurdistan Regional Government relations with the international community , pointing out to his government foreign policy in consolidating the Kurdistan Region’s interests in the framework of the Iraqi Federal Government foreign policy.

They also discussed current situation in the iraqi political arena as well as ongoing events in the Middle East especially in Syria.

The Head of the Foreign Affairs Department pointed out to the outstanding issues between Erbil and Baghdad , where he stressed the necessity to commit to constitution to resolve them.