• Monday, 28 October 2024

Prime Minister Masrour Barzani’s speech at the University of Kurdistan - Hewlêr graduation ceremony

Gulan Media October 25, 2024 News
Prime Minister Masrour Barzani’s speech at the University of Kurdistan - Hewlêr graduation ceremony

Prime Minister Masrour Barzani attended yesterday the graduation ceremony of the University of Kurdistan - Hewlêr and delivered the following speech:

Tonight is a night that you have been waiting for; the commencement ceremony of the University of Kurdistan Class of 2024. This evening is an occasion that I too have looked forward to almost as much as you.

The sense of achievement and anticipation in the audience in front of me is something that I have come to cherish. I see the hope and pride in your eyes as you prepare yourself to enter the formative years of adult life.

I share your pride and I know the academics and university elders here with me feel the same way.

Your presence at this ceremony marks a milestone not just in your families’ lives, but in the growth of our nation.

Each graduating class unleashes tremendous talent, giving dozens of Kurdistan’s best and brightest the chance to realise their ambitions and contribute to our nation. This year is no different. To those who strive to take a stake in what we are creating, opportunity awaits throughout the Kurdistan nation and across the horizon beyond.

Throughout the years that I have supported this campus, I have been determined to help transform it into one of Kurdistan’s most important institutions; a place where future leaders, entrepreneurs, statesmen and women are nurtured and empowered. Knowledge is a powerful tool. I believe wholeheartedly in the transformative value of education and its capacity to shape our destinies.

Offering quality education to our youth is something to which my Government remains steadfastly committed.

As we prepare to assemble a new cabinet to tackle the challenges of the next four years, I reaffirm my commitment to education, and I say to those of you who want to join us in this journey, ‘welcome aboard’.

The skills that you have learned here have equipped you well to help us. We invite you to explore the many opportunities we offer.

Our election victory last weekend has renewed our mandate to do just that. I say to our rivals in government that now is the time to join us in this national project to rebuild and revitalise our nation, by harnessing the energies of centres of learning such as this.

Together we are formidable and there is new reason and scope to align our positions on core goals such as education.

The new Government must meet the challenges in front of us. We need to unite as one to deal with security demands and the economic challenges of a region in turmoil.

As a government, we must rise to the occasion and give our people the hope and opportunities that they deserve. The Kurdistan Region is a beacon of stability in a fast changing and unpredictable neighbourhood.

We as public servants of this land have a duty to keep it that way through the decisions and judgements we make. We owe it to Kurdistanis to do better, and we will.

You have many opportunities with us. We seek new skills in our banking and financial services sector, where our financial inclusion programme - known as Hejmari Mn - continues at pace. To date, nearly 700,000 people from the KRG payroll have registered for bank accounts.

The efficiencies we have gained by moving financial transactions online, and through credible banks, have accelerated credit in the local market, which means more loans and money for small and scalable businesses, students and entrepreneurs.

Our electricity project is moving closer to providing 24/7 power for all of Kurdistan. The Runaki project is focused on moving low-income households first and increasing business output.

To date, the pilot programme has seen more than 50,000 citizens enjoy uninterrupted power. We intend start in Slemani and Duhok soon.

Low-income households will continue to be protected with government subsidies. An electricity grid working under full steam offers confidence to consumers and creates opportunity.

In agriculture, we remain committed to becoming a food basket of the Middle East. We need your help to help us reach our targets of increasing yields, sourcing new markets and streamlining efficiencies.

Our progress has all taken place against a backdrop of critics saying that change was too hard; that advancements in the way we live and organise ourselves couldn’t be made. The critics were wrong. Doing business in Kurdistan has never been easier.

Establishing your future here, should you choose, is now an attractive proposition. My pledge to you is this; if you choose to stay here and help us build a nation on strong new foundations, we will support you.

If you bring good ideas to us in government, or in the private sector, we help you realise them.

Ambition drives achievement, as does the confidence in your abilities that you should take from this university, and all the work you have done here. I say to you all that the nation expects great things from you.

To the parents who have sacrificed much to reach this moment, I acknowledge and embrace you. Celebrate this night. It belongs to you as much as to your children.

The Class of 2024; go forth and prosper. Believe in yourself, challenge boundaries and bring to us big ideas.
Pass on the knowledge that you have learned in this place to your families and friends who have not had the same opportunities. Bring people with you in your journey of life. You are the leaders of years to come.

We will rejoice in your successes. I commend each and everyone of you.
