• Thursday, 05 September 2024

Kurdistan Region Prime Minister Masrour Barzani Leads Council of Ministers in Addressing Key Issues

Gulan Media September 4, 2024 News
Kurdistan Region Prime Minister Masrour Barzani Leads Council of Ministers in Addressing Key Issues

On Wednesday, Prime Minister Masrour Barzani chaired a critical meeting of the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) Council of Ministers, focusing on vital topics including education, pensions, and financial coordination with Baghdad.

The meeting began with Prime Minister Barzani congratulating the region's lecturers following a landmark decision to transition their contracts to domestic revenue. He expressed optimism that this move would satisfy the teaching community and enhance their contributions to the education system in Kurdistan.

In a significant development for pensioners, the Prime Minister announced that, starting this month, pensioners in the Kurdistan Region would receive salaries equal to those of their counterparts in the Iraqi government. This decision follows the Council of Ministers' approval of pension equalization, addressing a long-standing disparity between the two systems. Prime Minister Barzani reaffirmed his commitment to supporting the rights of pensioners, acknowledging their years of public service.

Regarding the upcoming electoral campaigns, Barzani urged political parties to conduct their campaigns with civility and respect, emphasizing the importance of adhering to the guidelines set by the Independent High Election Commission. He stressed the need for responsible discourse, reminding everyone, "We are all Kurds."

A key issue discussed was the unification of financial and accounting systems between the KRG and the federal government of Iraq. The Council unanimously approved a draft decision to unify these systems, which aims to resolve discrepancies in revenue, expenditure, and salary management between the two governments. This move is seen as essential for aligning employee salaries across Iraq.

The Council also reviewed recent discussions between KRG officials and the Iraqi Ministry of Finance in Baghdad. A joint financial monitoring team has been auditing revenues, expenditures, and property. In a positive step toward cooperation, the Iraqi government allocated funds for KRG salaries for July and August. The KRG Council instructed all relevant ministries to maintain coordination with Baghdad and expedite reforms, including the implementation of an electronic payroll system and biometric registration for civil servants.

Looking ahead, the Council discussed the upcoming Federal Ministerial Economic Council meeting in Erbil. Prime Minister Barzani highlighted the importance of this meeting, which will address lingering issues between Erbil and Baghdad, particularly in areas concerning economic cooperation and constitutional powers. The Council urged all relevant parties to prepare for the meeting, aiming to improve livelihoods across Iraq, including in the Kurdistan Region.

This session marked significant progress in fostering greater financial and political cooperation between the Kurdistan Region and the federal government, while also addressing domestic concerns regarding education and pensions.
