• Monday, 22 July 2024

UNHCR Welcomes $1 Million Donation from Switzerland to Aid Displaced Iraqis

Gulan Media July 22, 2024 News
UNHCR Welcomes $1 Million Donation from Switzerland to Aid Displaced Iraqis

The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) has welcomed a generous donation of approximately one million US dollars from the Government of Switzerland. This crucial funding aims to bolster UNHCR’s programs that support refugees, internally displaced Iraqis, and individuals at risk of statelessness across Iraq.

In a recent press release, UNHCR emphasized the importance of Switzerland’s contribution, highlighting that it will sustain essential protection activities such as registration and legal assistance. The funding will also enhance national systems, ensuring that refugees receive support comparable to that provided to Iraqi nationals.

A significant portion of the donation will address the urgent need for civil documentation among vulnerable displaced Iraqis. Since 2019, in collaboration with the Iraqi government, UNHCR has assisted over 200,000 Iraqis in obtaining essential documents, enabling them to access basic rights and services.

"The majority of refugees in Iraq, particularly Syrians in the Kurdistan Region, benefit from access to education, health services, and livelihood opportunities, primarily in the informal sector. While Iraqi authorities have shown commitment to supporting Syrian and other refugees, sustained donor support remains crucial for strengthening national structures and enhancing services for refugees and internally displaced people," UNHCR stated.

The agency expressed gratitude for Switzerland’s steadfast commitment to international protection, emphasizing that such support is integral to resolving displacement issues in Iraq. Switzerland continues to be a key partner to UNHCR globally and in Iraq, providing flexible and reliable support that addresses critical needs and builds the capacity of local authorities to facilitate refugee integration.

Iraq hosts approximately 300,000 refugees, with the majority residing alongside Iraqi communities in towns and villages. Around 32 percent live in refugee camps in the Kurdistan Region. Due to ongoing insecurity and violations of human rights and humanitarian law in their home countries, these refugees face limited prospects for return and require sustained support to achieve self-reliance and contribute positively to their host communities.

Additionally, over 1 million Iraqis remain internally displaced, with about 150,000 living in 21 IDP camps in the Kurdistan Region. UNHCR continues to collaborate with authorities to find durable solutions, including voluntary return to their areas of origin, relocation within Iraq, and local integration, ensuring dignified and sustainable outcomes for displaced populations.
