• Friday, 05 July 2024

IHEC Distributes Over 438,000 Biometric Voter Cards in Kurdistan Region

IHEC Distributes Over 438,000 Biometric Voter Cards in Kurdistan Region

The Iraqi High Election Commission (IHEC) has successfully distributed more than 438,000 biometric voter cards across the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRG) over the past seven months. This significant effort is aimed at ensuring a smooth and transparent electoral process for the upcoming parliamentary elections.

According to IHEC, between January 1, 2024, and July 4, 2024, the distribution of biometric voting cards in the KRG provinces was as follows:

Erbil Province: 139,136 general biometric voting cards, 14,941 special biometric voting cards, and 2,837 biometric voting cards for refugees.

Duhok Province: 97,687 general voting cards, 9,044 special biometric cards, and 3,969 biometric voting cards for refugees.

Sulaimani Province: 154,685 general biometric voting cards, 13,988 special voting cards, and 2,246 refugee voting cards.

The total number of biometric cards distributed in each province stands at:

Erbil: 156,914
Duhok: 110,700
Sulaimani: 170,919

On June 26, 2024, Dilshad Shahab, spokesperson for the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG), announced that President Nechirvan Barzani issued a decree for the sixth round of parliamentary elections to be held on October 20, 2024. This decree ensures that the electoral process proceeds as scheduled.

The KRG has expressed its readiness to conduct successful elections, with the election date being welcomed by the majority of political parties in the Kurdistan Region. The robust distribution of biometric voter cards underscores the KRG's commitment to a transparent and efficient electoral process.
