• Monday, 22 July 2024

Tragic Shipwrecks Off Italian Coast Leave Dozens Missing and Dead

Gulan Media June 19, 2024 News
Tragic Shipwrecks Off Italian Coast Leave Dozens Missing and Dead

Two separate shipwreck incidents in the Mediterranean Sea have resulted in at least 64 people missing and 10 confirmed dead, according to statements from United Nations agencies and rescue organizations on Monday.

The first disaster occurred approximately 200 kilometers (125 miles) off the coast of Calabria. A boat, which had departed from Turkey eight days prior, caught fire and overturned, leaving 64 individuals unaccounted for. The vessel was carrying migrants from Iran, Syria, and Iraq, the U.N. agencies reported.

The Italian coast guard initiated a search-and-rescue operation following a mayday call received by a French boat in the vicinity. The operation, conducted in a border area where Greek and Italian authorities collaborate on search-and-rescue efforts, saw the immediate deployment of two merchant ships and assistance from the European border and coast guard agency, Frontex.

Survivors were transported to the Calabrian port of Roccella Jonica, where they received medical attention. Tragically, one of the 11 rescued migrants succumbed to their injuries shortly after reaching shore, the Italian coast guard confirmed.

In a separate incident near Italy's Lampedusa island, rescue workers from the German aid group Resqship evacuated dozens of migrants from a wooden boat that had started taking on water. The group’s boat, the Nadir, rescued 51 people, two of whom were found unconscious. Sadly, 10 bodies were discovered trapped below the deck of the waterlogged vessel, Resqship reported on the X social media platform.
