• Tuesday, 23 July 2024

Kurdistan Region Health Minister Highlights Global Health Commitment

Gulan Media June 11, 2024 News
Kurdistan Region Health Minister Highlights Global Health Commitment

Kurdistan Region Health Minister Saman Barzinji affirmed today that the region's adherence to international health guidelines and its proactive coordination in addressing various epidemics and diseases have elevated Kurdistan to the ranks of leading global health centers.

In a press conference following his meeting with the World Health Organization (WHO) representative in Iraq, George Alfred Ki-Zerbo, Barzinji emphasized the continued collaboration with the organization. He highlighted the joint efforts that were instrumental in tackling various epidemics, particularly the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020.

"We are always prepared to implement global health guidelines to benefit the entire health sector and humanity as a whole. These guidelines align with the directives of the World Health Organization from the recent meeting in Geneva," Barzinji stated.

George Alfred Ki-Zerbo praised the health system in the Kurdistan Region, noting the effective coordination between government levels and health centers in providing medical services. He commended the region's efforts in serving both local residents and the influx of displaced persons and refugees.

"We will continue our efforts to integrate the global health system, and Iraq is on a path to expanding its health services," Ki-Zerbo remarked, expressing his admiration for the progress made in the Kurdistan Region.

This ongoing collaboration and commitment to international health standards underscore the Kurdistan Region's dedication to advancing its health sector and contributing to global health initiatives.
