• Wednesday, 03 July 2024

President Masoud Barzani: Kurdish Will Prevails Over Genocide

Gulan Media April 16, 2024 News
President Masoud Barzani: Kurdish Will Prevails Over Genocide

President Masoud Barzani commemorated the 37th anniversary of the chemical bombardment of Balisan, Sheikh Wasanan, and the Khoshnawati Valley by the former Iraqi regime, with a poignant tweet. In his message, President Barzani hailed the resilience of the Kurdish people, emphasizing that their collective will surpasses any weapon or act of genocide.

On the solemn occasion marking the 37th anniversary of the brutal chemical attacks perpetrated by the former Iraqi regime on Balisan, Sheikh Wasanan, and the Khoshnawati Valley, President Masoud Barzani conveyed his heartfelt tributes to the martyrs who perished in this abhorrent crime against humanity. Through a tweet shared on his official social media account, President Barzani reflected on the enduring strength of the Kurdish people in the face of adversity.

"The will of the people of Kurdistan is indeed much stronger than any weapon and any act of genocide," President Barzani affirmed, underscoring the resilience embedded within the Kurdish spirit.

The tweet served as a poignant reminder of the atrocities inflicted upon the Kurdish population during Saddam Hussein's regime, particularly through the deployment of chemical weapons in multiple villages, resulting in the loss of countless innocent lives.

President Barzani's homage extended beyond the victims of the Balisan, Sheikh Wasanan, and Khoshnawati Valley attacks, encompassing all martyrs of Kurdistan whose sacrifices have been pivotal in shaping the region's history.

As Kurdistan solemnly remembers the horrors of the past, President Barzani's tribute serves as a testament to the unwavering determination of the Kurdish people to persevere and strive for justice, even in the face of adversity.
