• Monday, 22 July 2024

Barzani Condemns Election Delays in Talks with UK Ambassador

Gulan Media March 28, 2024 News
Barzani Condemns Election Delays in Talks with UK Ambassador

In a crucial diplomatic meeting on Wednesday, Masoud Barzani, the esteemed leader of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP), welcomed British Ambassador to Baghdad, Stephen Hitchen, for discussions surrounding the political dynamics of Iraq and the Kurdistan Region.

Barzani, a pivotal figure in Kurdish politics, highlighted the Kurdistan Region's unwavering dedication to democratic principles, emphasizing the KDP's historical role in championing elections since 1991. Expressing apprehension over recent setbacks in the electoral process, he attributed delays to external interference and contentious rulings by Iraq's Supreme Federal Court.

Asserting Kurdistan's commitment to upholding constitutional integrity, Barzani adamantly rejected any unlawful interventions in the electoral process, affirming the party's steadfast pursuit of transparent and impartial elections, devoid of external influence.

In addition to addressing political challenges, Barzani voiced concerns over economic hardships exacerbated by budget cuts targeting the Kurdish populace. He condemned attempts aimed at weakening the Region's resilience, underlining Kurdistan's reliance on the legitimate aspirations of its people, forged through historical sacrifices.

In response, Ambassador Hitchen reiterated the United Kingdom's enduring support for the Kurdistan Region, spanning back to the early 1990s. Recognizing the KDP's pivotal role in Iraq's political landscape, Hitchen emphasized the party's indispensable participation in ensuring the legitimacy and completeness of the electoral process.

Furthermore, the British envoy pledged assistance in resolving obstacles hindering progress towards free, fair, and transparent elections, underscoring the imperative of addressing Kurdish grievances.

The meeting between Barzani and Hitchen signifies a pivotal moment in Kurdish-British relations, marking a concerted effort to navigate challenges and uphold democratic values in the Kurdistan Region amidst a complex political landscape in Iraq.
