• Wednesday, 03 July 2024

Drug Dealer Arrested After Confrontation with Security Forces in Diwaniyah

Gulan Media March 20, 2024 News
Drug Dealer Arrested After Confrontation with Security Forces in Diwaniyah

The Ministry of Interior (MOI) has announced a significant breakthrough in the ongoing battle against drug trafficking in Diwaniyah province. In a statement released on Wednesday, MOI spokesperson Brigadier General Miqdad Miri revealed the successful arrest of a notorious drug dealer following a dramatic confrontation with security forces.

According to Brigadier General Miri, the Diwaniya Drugs Directorate undertook the operation to apprehend the dangerous individual, who resorted to violence upon the arrival of the law enforcement team. "The drug dealer opened fire on the approaching force, endangering the lives of those carrying out their duty," stated Miri.

In response to the imminent threat, security forces swiftly retaliated, resulting in the injury of the accused. Despite sustaining injuries, the suspect was swiftly subdued, arrested, and subsequently transported to a medical facility for treatment.

This development underscores the unwavering commitment of Iraqi authorities to combat the proliferation of narcotics within the country. The MOI continues to prioritize the safety and security of citizens, relentlessly pursuing those who seek to undermine public well-being through illicit activities.

The arrest of this dangerous drug dealer serves as a testament to the courage and dedication of the security forces tasked with upholding law and order in Diwaniyah province. Investigations into the individual's criminal activities are ongoing, with authorities determined to dismantle any networks involved in the illegal drug trade.
