• Tuesday, 23 July 2024

Kurdish Opposition Party Office Set Ablaze in Suspected PKK Attack

Gulan Media March 11, 2024 News
Kurdish Opposition Party Office Set Ablaze in Suspected PKK Attack

In a disturbing escalation of tensions within Syria's Kurdish political landscape, the office of the Kurdistan Democratic Party - Syria (PDK-S) was engulfed in flames on Monday, reportedly ignited by assailants believed to be linked with the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK). The incident, which occurred in the town of Mabada in the Hasaka countryside, has underscored the deepening rifts between Kurdish factions in the region.

According to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a renowned war monitor based in Britain, unidentified individuals targeted the PDK-S office, resulting in significant damage. This marks yet another assault on PDK-S premises, following a similar attack on their Kobane office last week, allegedly perpetrated by members of the Revolutionary Youths, an organization affiliated with the PKK.

The ongoing strife between the PDK-S, a key component of the Kurdish National Council (ENKS), and the ruling Democratic Union Party (PYD) in Rojava has been characterized by accusations and counter-accusations. The ENKS accuses the PYD of monopolizing power and arbitrarily detaining its members, while the PYD contends that the ENKS serves the interests of Ankara as a member of the Turkey-backed Syrian opposition coalition.

Despite attempts at mediation, facilitated under American supervision, the animosity between the two Kurdish factions shows no signs of abating. The failure to reach a resolution has perpetuated a cycle of violence, as evidenced by the recent spate of attacks targeting ENKS-affiliated offices.

In response to the mounting violence, the US embassy in Syria issued a statement on Friday expressing concern over the attacks on ENKS premises in northern Syria. The embassy called for an immediate cessation of hostilities and urged all parties to engage in dialogue to address their grievances constructively.

As tensions continue to simmer, the latest incident serves as a stark reminder of the complex dynamics at play within Syria's Kurdish political landscape, where internal divisions threaten to undermine the broader struggle for autonomy and representation.
