• Saturday, 27 July 2024

Christian and Turkmen Communities Protest Iraq Court's Ruling on Kurdistan Quota Seats

Gulan Media March 4, 2024 News
Christian and Turkmen Communities Protest Iraq Court's Ruling on Kurdistan Quota Seats

In a demonstration of unified discontent, the Christian community of Ainkawa in Erbil province, alongside leaders from the Turkmen community in the Kurdistan Region, took to the streets on Monday to protest against Iraq's Supreme Federal Court ruling. The ruling abolished quota seats in Kurdistan's parliament, a decision met with vehement opposition from various ethnic and religious groups within the region.

Protestors flooded the streets, chanting slogans and brandishing banners denouncing the court's verdict as "unconstitutional" and "unjust." Among the rallying cries, one message resonated prominently: "Christians are in great danger because of the unconstitutional and unjust decision of the Federal Court."

The demonstration also saw a pointed critique directed at the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK), with banners accusing the party of failing the test of coexistence and human rights. This condemnation stems from allegations of the PUK's involvement in the federal court's ruling against parliamentary seats allocated for ethnic and religious minorities residing in the Kurdistan Region.

The controversy ignited in February when Iraq's Supreme Federal Court declared the quota seats in Kurdistan's parliament as unconstitutional. The move triggered widespread outrage among not only the Christian and Turkmen communities but also among Armenians and other minority groups in the region.

These quota seats, established in a law passed by the Kurdistan Region's parliament in the 1990s, were designed to ensure an inclusive legislative body that reflects the diverse voices of the region, irrespective of their ethnic or religious background.

The protest underscores the deep-seated concerns within Kurdistan's diverse communities regarding their representation and rights within the region's political landscape. As tensions escalate, the ramifications of the court's ruling continue to reverberate, raising questions about the future of inclusivity and minority rights in Kurdistan's governance.
