• Wednesday, 03 July 2024

White House Confirms Preemptive Notification to Iraq Prior to Airstrikes

Gulan Media February 3, 2024 News
White House Confirms Preemptive Notification to Iraq Prior to Airstrikes

Moments ago, the White House confirmed that the United States had "preemptively" informed the Iraqi side about the strikes conducted tonight against Iranian Revolutionary Guard sites and affiliated militias in Iraq and Syria.

John Kirby, the spokesperson for the National Security Council at the White House, stated in a release, "The American response began tonight and will not end tonight," referring to the recent attack that claimed the lives of dozens of US soldiers in northeastern Jordan a few days ago, an assault Washington attributed to Iranian-backed Iraqi militias.

Kirby further stated, "Our forces carried out strikes on 3 facilities in Iraq and 4 facilities in Syria, and we believe the strikes were successful. We do not know the number of militants killed or injured."

"We informed the Iraqi side in advance about the strikes," Kirby emphasized.

The American spokesperson clarified that the strikes targeted command centers, missile storage facilities, unmanned aerial vehicles, ammunition supply, and other facilities. He assured that US aircraft were not damaged.

Kirby stressed, "The American response began tonight and will not end tonight, and there are additional measures we will take to put an end to attacks against our forces."

"We do not seek conflict with Iran or in the Middle East, but we will not hesitate to defend our forces," he added.

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin described the airstrikes in Iraq and Syria against Iranian Revolutionary Guard sites and its affiliated militias as just the "beginning" in a recent statement.

"Our forces conducted strikes today on 7 facilities, including more than 85 targets in Iraq and Syria," Austin stated. "The strikes targeted the Quds Force and its affiliated militias."

Austin affirmed that President Biden has issued directives to take additional actions to hold the Iranian Revolutionary Guard and its affiliated militias accountable.

Earlier tonight, President Joe Biden stated that Washington's response to the killing and injury of dozens of American soldiers in northeastern Jordan had begun.

"We started our response today and will continue at timings and locations of our choosing," Biden said. "Washington does not seek conflict in the Middle East or anywhere else in the world."

The President confirmed, "Based on my orders, we conducted strikes on targets in Iraq and Syria used by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard and its affiliated militias."

The US Central Command (CENTCOM) issued a statement on the airstrikes in Iraq and Syria, stating, "At 4:00 pm (Eastern Time) on February 2, the United States. Central Command (CENTCOM) forces conducted airstrikes in Iraq and Syria against the Quds Force of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and its affiliated militia groups."

The statement added, "US military forces struck more than 85 targets, with many aircraft, including long-range bomber aircraft from the United States."

It clarified that the airstrikes used over 125 precision munitions, targeting command and control operations, intelligence centers, missiles, unmanned aerial vehicle facilities, logistical supply chain facilities, and ammunition for militia groups and their sponsors in the Iranian Revolutionary Guard who facilitated attacks against US and coalition forces.
