• Sunday, 01 September 2024

Kurdistan Traders Boycott Iranian Products in Response to Erbil Missile Attack

Gulan Media January 26, 2024 News
Kurdistan Traders Boycott Iranian Products in Response to Erbil Missile Attack

Approximately 100 Businesses in the Region Take a Stand Against Tehran's Aggression

In the wake of Iran's ballistic missile attack on Erbil, which claimed the life of a prominent Kurdish businessman and three others, around 100 traders in the Kurdistan Region have initiated a boycott of Iranian products. Gaylan Haji Said, the president of the Erbil Chamber of Commerce, confirmed on Friday that the businessmen opted to abstain from dealing with Iranian goods as a protest against Tehran's missile strikes on the Kurdish capital.

The attack, conducted on January 15 by Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), targeted various residential areas in Erbil, resulting in the tragic death of Peshraw Dizayee, a well-known Kurdish businessman, his 11-month-old daughter, and two others.

The Erbil Chamber of Commerce took a decisive step by calling for a boycott last week, signaling a united stand against Iran's aggression. While the current impact on trade volume is reported to be minimal, Said anticipates a more pronounced effect in the coming weeks and months as the boycott gains momentum.

The move reflects the outrage and grief within the Kurdish business community over the loss of lives in the missile attack. The call for a boycott serves as a tangible expression of dissent against Iran's actions, and traders hope it will send a strong message to Tehran about the consequences of such military actions on innocent civilians and regional stability.

The international community watches closely as this economic protest unfolds, with attention on how it may influence diplomatic relations and future engagements between the Kurdistan Region and Iran.
