• Saturday, 05 October 2024

Attempted Drone Attack Near Erbil International Airport

Gulan Media December 31, 2023 News
Attempted Drone Attack Near Erbil International Airport

In a concerning escalation of security threats, the Kurdistan Region’s counter-terrorism service has confirmed the interception and subsequent shooting down of an explosive-laden drone near Erbil International Airport on Sunday. The incident, which occurred at 4:54 pm local time, is attributed to "outlawed militias" by the Counter-Terrorism Unit.

Authorities suspect that the intent behind the launch of the drone was to target a Global Coalition military base situated in close proximity to the airport. This incident is part of a series of attacks in the region, signaling a growing security challenge.

Earlier on the same day, two attack drones struck a Peshmerga base in Erbil Province’s Pirmam district, resulting in material damages but no casualties. Additionally, on December 25, an attack drone targeted the US-led Global Coalition military base at Erbil, fortunately causing no damage.

This recent drone interception follows a pattern of security breaches in the area. On December 8, an unidentified attack drone crashed into a residential building in Erbil, causing no casualties. Simultaneously, before dawn on the same day, at least three rockets targeted the US Embassy in Baghdad's Green Zone, landing on the outskirts of the district housing government and diplomatic buildings, according to Iraqi security officials.

Security forces are on high alert as these incidents point towards a coordinated effort by unknown entities to destabilize the region. The Counter-Terrorism Unit is actively investigating the origins of the drones and the motives behind these attacks.

Local authorities and international partners are collaborating to enhance security measures in the region, particularly around critical infrastructure and military installations. The incidents serve as a stark reminder of the persistent security challenges faced by the Kurdistan Region and the broader geopolitical implications of such targeted attacks.
