• Thursday, 16 May 2024

Kurdistan Region Investigates Over 1000 Corruption Cases, Refers 230 to Courts

Gulan Media December 20, 2023 News
Kurdistan Region Investigates Over 1000 Corruption Cases, Refers 230 to Courts

The government of the Kurdistan Region has announced the investigation of more than 1000 corruption cases during the current year, with 230 of them being referred to the relevant courts. Dr. Ahmed Anwar, the head of the Public Prosecution in the Kurdistan Region, provided exclusive details in a statement to the Media and Information Department.

According to Dr. Anwar, "In 2023 alone, we have conducted investigations into 1100 corruption cases, and 230 of them have been referred to specialized courts. Over the past five years, 897 corruption cases have been directed to special courts, showcasing a persistent effort in combating corruption."

Highlighting the impact of the ongoing reform process, Dr. Anwar stated, "Since the enactment of the reform law in 2019, 178 individuals, including those holding ministerial positions, have been held accountable for corruption. The commitment to reform and the fight against corruption remains unwavering."

The head of the Public Prosecution emphasized the cooperation required from various entities for successful investigations, stating, "Collaboration with the Attorney General, the Legal Office, and the ministries is crucial for the investigative process. Fortunately, these entities have demonstrated significant cooperation, contributing to the substantial progress in anti-corruption efforts."

Dr. Anwar concluded by mentioning the submission of four important and sensitive corruption files to the High Committee for Integrity. Investigations into these cases are actively underway.

The ninth government of the Kurdistan Region, formed four years ago, has consistently prioritized the reform process and the fight against corruption as fundamental principles of just governance. The commitment to these principles reflects the region's dedication to ensuring a fair and accountable administration.

This report signifies a notable step forward in the Kurdistan Region's efforts to combat corruption and establish transparent governance.
