• Tuesday, 23 July 2024

Kurdistan Region Representative in Baghdad: Consensus on Budget Law Amendment

Gulan Media December 8, 2023 News
Kurdistan Region Representative in Baghdad: Consensus on Budget Law Amendment

Faris Isa, the representative of the Kurdistan Region in Baghdad, affirmed today, Friday, that all political parties in Iraq support amending the budget law.

Isa stated, "The relations between the Kurdistan Regional Government and the federal government are good, and both sides are in daily communication to resolve outstanding issues."

He added, "The governments of the region and the federation have reached an agreement on the issue of oil and gas, and two special committees have been formed to draft the oil and gas law."

Isa pointed out that "the transfer of 700 billion dinars to the Kurdistan Region was supposed to take place this week, but it has been postponed to next week because the Iraqi Finance Minister was traveling."

He also noted, "A delegation from the Kurdistan Regional Government will visit Baghdad next week." The announcement signifies ongoing efforts to address key issues and strengthen collaboration between the Kurdistan Region and the federal government in Iraq.
