• Saturday, 27 July 2024

Kurdistan Region Healthcare Sector Undergoes Major Reforms

Gulan Media October 31, 2023 News
Kurdistan Region Healthcare Sector Undergoes Major Reforms

In a bid to enhance healthcare services for its citizens, the ninth government of the Kurdistan Region has embarked on an ambitious journey to revamp the healthcare sector. This initiative seeks to address several key areas, including the expansion and improvement of private healthcare facilities, the regulation of healthcare professionals' working conditions, and setting standardized pricing for medical procedures and medications.

One of the primary reforms involves the private healthcare sector, which currently accommodates 50% of healthcare professionals in the region. This sector has seen substantial growth and expansion, with significant efforts directed toward supporting and enhancing its capabilities. Notably, a new management unit has been established to oversee the private healthcare sector, signaling a commitment to its ongoing development.

Under this reform initiative, a total of 70 private hospitals, 167 health centers, and 32 medical complexes have undergone substantial improvements. These reforms have led to a surge in patient visits to private healthcare institutions, with patients even traveling from outside the region to access medical services in these facilities.

Dr. Sarhang Jambaz, the Director of the Planning Department at the Ministry of Health, explained the changes and improvements brought about by these reforms. "In the past, there was only one department in the Ministry of Health overseeing private sector affairs. However, due to its expansion, we created a dedicated department with a complete staff, which has contributed to its ongoing development."

Another critical aspect of the reform is the regulation of working hours for healthcare professionals. Hospitals and healthcare institutions are now prohibited from allowing doctors and staff to work in other facilities after their official working hours.

Furthermore, the Ministry of Health has mandated that the private sector employ 50% of healthcare professionals who have not been appointed to government hospitals. This measure aims to create job opportunities for recent medical college graduates and increase this percentage year by year.

In addition to these changes, there is a comprehensive review of surgical procedure fees and medication prices. Dr. Jambaz stated that a high committee within the Ministry of Health is working diligently to determine standardized fees for medical procedures in hospitals, ensuring uniformity despite the associated challenges.

Another committee has been established to categorize and rank hospitals in a manner similar to hotels, taking into account factors such as the cost of accommodation, surgical procedure fees, and the quality of services provided.

Notably, the reforms also allow foreign doctors to come to the region to contribute their expertise. Guidelines have been issued for the work of foreign doctors with their specific teams, with a particular focus on doctors with extensive experience in their specialties or rare expertise.

These comprehensive reforms in the Kurdistan Region's healthcare sector aim to provide better healthcare services, streamline procedures, and ensure that citizens have access to high-quality medical care without the need to travel abroad. The ongoing commitment to these improvements reflects a dedication to the well-being of the region's residents and an investment in the future of healthcare in Kurdistan.
