• Tuesday, 23 July 2024

Gaza Communications Slowly Restored Amid Ongoing Conflict

Gulan Media October 29, 2023 News
Gaza Communications Slowly Restored Amid Ongoing Conflict

Phone lines and internet connections are gradually being restored in Gaza after more than a day of near-total communications blackout. This blackout was a result of heightened Israeli bombardment of the territory, coupled with a significant ground operation involving tanks and troops.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has stated that this marks the "second stage" of what he anticipates will be a "long and difficult" conflict with Hamas.

In a concerning development, thousands of people in Gaza have reportedly broken into aid depots, indicating a potential breakdown in civil order, according to the United Nations.

The International Red Cross (ICRC) has urgently called for an immediate cessation of what they've described as an "intolerable level of human suffering" in the territory.

The conflict dates back to the 7th of October when Hamas launched attacks, resulting in the loss of 1,400 lives and the kidnapping of 229 individuals as hostages.

The Hamas-run health ministry in Gaza reports that more than 8,000 people have lost their lives since Israel initiated its retaliatory bombing campaign.
