• Sunday, 01 September 2024

Unveiling the Financial Disparities: Kurdistan Region's Struggle for Equity

Gulan Media September 9, 2023 News
Unveiling the Financial Disparities: Kurdistan Region's Struggle for Equity

In an alarming revelation, the Kurdistan Region is facing a severe financial imbalance as it grapples with an unjust allocation from the Federal General Budget Law for 2023, igniting a fierce debate between the autonomous region and the federal government.

According to the budget tables, the Kurdistan Region was slated to receive a substantial 16 trillion and 498 billion dinars for the year, an equitable 1 trillion and 375 billion dinars on a monthly basis. Regrettably, a mere 2 trillion and 598 billion dinars have been disbursed by the Federal Ministry of Finance since January 1, 2023, with a mere 400 billion dinars attributed to the months of November and December 2022. This glaring discrepancy falls far short of the rightful share promised to the region.

A disturbing pattern emerges in the distribution of salaries. While the rest of Iraq has adhered to the budget law's guidelines, the Kurdistan Region has been subjected to a perplexing and unconventional loan mechanism. This divisive approach leaves the region's employees questioning the fairness of their treatment compared to their counterparts in other parts of the country.

Nonetheless, the Kurdistan Regional Government has displayed an unwavering commitment to financial transparency. All data and figures were meticulously provided to the Federal Ministry of Finance, strictly adhering to the constitution and prevailing laws, including the Federal Financial Management Law. Shockingly, the Ministry consistently withholds a significant portion of the region's rightful share, a clear violation of constitutional principles.

The spokesperson for the Kurdistan Regional Government, Peshwa Hoawramani, firmly asserts that there is absolutely no justification for the delay in sending the salaries of the Kurdistan Region. Salaries must be paid promptly, free from the constraints of actual expenditure, a privilege enjoyed by other regions in Iraq.

It is disheartening to note that the federal government's spokesperson has called for adherence to federal laws and agreements, without acknowledging the blatant disregard for these very principles in the Kurdistan Region's case. The Kurdistan Regional Government, led by the Prime Minister, Masrour barzani, rightfully questions who is responsible for this grievous violation of the constitution and the laws, and who has chosen to unilaterally alter the agreements.

As tensions continue to escalate, the Kurdistan Region remains steadfast in its pursuit of fair treatment, determined to secure its rightful place within the federal framework. The spokesperson, Peshwa Hoawramani, stands as a staunch advocate for the rights of the Kurdistan Region, urging a reconsideration of the current financial allocations.
