• Monday, 17 June 2024

More than $13 Billion Invested in Projects Across the Kurdistan Region in Four Years

Gulan Media August 11, 2023 News
More than $13 Billion Invested in Projects Across the Kurdistan Region in Four Years

Between 28.08.2019 and 05.08.2023, the ninth cabinet of the Kurdistan Regional Government oversaw the completion of 280 diverse investment projects across the region.

A total of $13.53 billion was channeled into these endeavours. Local investors backed 274 of these projects, three were backed by foreign investors, and joint partnerships contributed to another three. Geographically, the projects include 124 in Erbil, 73 in Slemani, 51 in Duhok, 3 in Halabja, 5 in Raparin, 12 in Garmyan, 3 in Soran, and 9 in Zakho.

The industrial sector took the lead with 81 projects, followed closely by trade with 69 projects, and tourism with 39 projects. Other sectors included education (25 projects), housing (23 projects), health (20 projects), agriculture (12 projects), sports (7 projects), banking (2 projects), arts (1 project), and general services (1 project).

Investments play a pivotal role in shaping a nation's economic landscape. Over the last four years, the KRG’s ninth cabinet has spearheaded rapid growth in this area, emphasising the importance of a robust investment infrastructure.
