• Tuesday, 23 July 2024

Kurdistan Regional Government and Iraq Collaborate to Enhance Security Measures Along Iraqi-Iranian Border

Kurdistan Regional Government and Iraq Collaborate to Enhance Security Measures Along Iraqi-Iranian Border

In a significant move to strengthen the security of the Iraqi-Iranian border, the Minister of Interior for the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG), Rebar Ahmed, held a productive meeting with Qasim al-Araji, the Iraqi National Security Advisor, in Erbil on Wednesday. The meeting aimed to evaluate existing measures and explore strategies to safeguard citizens, prevent illegal activities, and enforce law and order along the border.

Minister Ahmed took to Twitter to express his satisfaction with the meeting, emphasizing the importance of reviewing and enhancing security measures. The primary focus of the discussions was on reinforcing border security to ensure the well-being of individuals residing in the region.

To achieve these objectives, plans were unveiled during the meeting to construct 36 surveillance towers along the Iraqi-Iranian border. This infrastructure is expected to play a vital role in monitoring and maintaining the integrity of the border. The Iraqi-Iranian border has long been a cause for concern due to ongoing conflicts and tensions in the area. Opposition groups allegedly targeting the border using various means, such as artillery fire, fighter jets, and suicide drones, have added to the security challenges.

In response to these threats, Iraq has been urged to protect its sovereignty, including the Kurdistan Region. The spokesperson for the Iranian foreign ministry expressed support for Iraq's efforts to bolster border security, acknowledging the mass protests taking place within Iran. The discussions between the KRG Minister of Interior and the Iraqi National Security Advisor underscore the shared commitment of both sides to address the security threats along the Iraqi-Iranian border.

By collaborating on enhancing border control and surveillance, the Kurdistan Regional Government and Iraq aim to maintain peace, protect their citizens, and ensure the integrity of the region. These joint efforts reflect the dedication of both entities to address the pressing security challenges posed by ongoing conflicts and tensions in the area.

By Kobin Ferhad
